Saturday, December 18, 2004

DQ, TC & me

I have a neighbor who always asks what I'm working on. She loves the stories, however mundane, and was excited to hear that I was going to be on this project. You have to get me an autograph, she gushed at her holiday party. I explained how that isn't done between and among film crew and stars. We treat them as co-workers with an important job to do that needs no distractions. It just isn't done.

And this unspoken etiquette and protocol applies to all film sets. So I was surprised to find myself in Dairy Queen standing next to Tom Cruise. Hey, we were just two guys who happened to have the same idea: I was at the hotel next door, too drained and exhasted to go find a proper dinner, giving into urges to consume ice cream. He was driving by and saw a Dairy Queen, evidently a favorite place to go for him.

I came around the corner from the adjacent convenience store, and there he was, at the counter, signing autographs and taking pictures. I stopped and leaned against a trash can, just enjoying the experience. His personal security sidled up to me, probably sensing someone who doesn't belong. He chatted me up in a friendly, threat-assessing way. I decided to make a move.

Can I get an autograph for my neighbor? I asked the guy, who nodded to the publicist. The star was neither happy nor annoyed to fulfil the request. Who's this for? he asked. My friend Stacey I said. He scribbled, turned his back and my audience with him was over.

The publicist and security looked at me silently, the message clear.
There you go, thanks, see you later. I made a hasty exit, skipping back towards the hotel. Looking back, I could see the DQ glowing brightly from the star's million-megawatt smile.


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